Class 0 fireproof certification according to BS 476 . standard. This is considered the most common fire resistance standard that you often hear about.
1. Class 0 fireproof certification according to BS 476 . standard
This is considered the most common fire resistance standard that you often hear about.
2. Products that are considered to have a fire resistance level equivalent to Class 0 (the highest class of fire resistance) according to BS476, will have to undergo the test in 2 parts of BS476 standard, Part 6 and Part 7
Products with test results: Part 6 must pass Class 0 and Part 7 achieve Class 1, then the insulation product is considered equivalent to Class 0 fire resistance.
3. However, the product has a fire resistance level equivalent to Class 0 which is different from the product with a Class 0 Fire resistance Certificate. The point here, there are many products on the market, they claiming to be Fireproof Class 0 and has a valid test report of TUV lab part 6 part 7, but it is not a product with Class 0 Fire Resistance Certificate. Why is that??? Continue reading below.
4. So how does the product achieve the Class 0 Fire resistance Certificate?
- Step 1: The manufacturer must register with the TUV laboratory to be tested for the Fire Resistan Certificate.
- Step 2: Lab staff will directly take product samples (*) and perform tests according to Part 6 and Part 7 of BS476 standard
- Step 3: The test results must satisfy the condition that Part 6 achieves Class 0 and part 7 achieves Class 1
- Step 4: Do the same for all thicknesses for which the product wants to be certified for fire resistance
- Step 5: If the results are successful, the TUV lab will provide a Fire Retardant Certificate, which will specify each type of thickness achieved, and most importantly, the Fireproof Certificate will have a term.
5. Products with Fire Retardant Certification will be announced online on TUV's homepage and everyone can access to check the authenticity of this Certification. While the product is only for testing, it will not be published online. Since it is a customer-supplied sample, TUV is only responsible for performing tests on this sample and is not responsible for verifying the correctness of the sample (is it really from the factory or is it a certain product on the market. Links to check online:
6. Not stopping there, every year TUV staff will take (*) random samples to check, if the product still passes, the certificate will still be valid, otherwise the Certificate will be removed from the website , and of course the factory will have to repeat the above process if it wants to get this Certificate back.
(*) Normally TUV will offer several options for sampling as follows:
1. TUV staff take samples at projects using products in Singapore, or at product warehouses in Singapore (If products are installed in Singapore market or have distributors in Singapore)
2. TUV staff in the country where the factory is located (if any) will come to the factory to take samples directly.
3. TUV staff in Singapore will fly to the country where the factory is located to take samples.